Worship with us

Worship is a key part of our church life …

We are all different and all connect with God in ways that are as unique as we are.

Worship at Brighouse Central celebrates this diversity with a variety of services, in various styles, both in person and online, so there is something for everyone.

Sunday morning worship (10.30am)

Every Sunday morning, we gather together for intergenerational worship at 10:30am.
All are welcome.
Worship is led by ministers, local preachers, visiting preachers and the occasional local arrangement when members of the congregation lead worship. Information about who is leading worship can be found on the Sunday Service page preaching plan.

We are incredibly blessed to have both a worship band and choir who regularly take part in the Services. Junior Church runs every Sunday morning for children of all ages.
After the service, all are welcome to stay for refreshments and fellowship.

Junior Church

Our children start the morning in the service then usually leave for their own activities led by our amazing Junior church team. Activities include games, crafts, stories, drama, and the occasional snack or food related activity!
The children are then collected from their session at the end of the service unless it’s a communion service, when the children rejoin the service to receive communion with the rest of the church family.
All children are very welcome – we love to see wiggles and giggles in church.


Communion services are usually the second Sunday of the month and form part of our regular Sunday morning worship. All are welcome to take communion.
Gluten free bread and non-alcoholic communion wine in an individual cup is served at the communion rail. (it can be brought to your seat)
If you do not wish to receive communion, that is fine too, just remain in your seat or come to the rail and ask for a blessing.
Home (also known as extended) communion is available on request. Please contact the Minister or Lay Pastor for more information.

Friday Time for God – Online

Head over to our Facebook page for a weekly reflection video. Time for God is published each Friday on Facebook at 8:30am.

The Well (7pm first Sunday of the month)

On the first Sunday in the month, we gather at The Well for connection, community and conversation. Join our multigenerational band as we make a joyful noise to the Lord.

Band led worship at 7pm followed by refreshments and table talks at approximately 7:45pm.

All are welcome.

Additional and special services

Throughout the year, we have a number of additional and special Services.

Cluster Services

Once a quarter we join with our local church family in the Lower Valley Cluster for worship. This united service replaces our usually Sunday morning worship and is hosted by one of the churches in the cluster. This service starts at the slightly later time of 10:45am.
Our next cluster service is [Insert next service and host church here and in bold text]
Lower Valley Cluster churches include Bethesda Elland, Brighouse Central, Christ Church Hipperholme LEP, Clifton, Cross Hills Greetland, Southgate Elland and St. Matthew’s Rastrick LEP.

Circuit Services

Circuit services are held in addition to regular worship and are hosted by different churches in the circuit. They are a great opportunity for all of the circuit to join together in worship and celebration.
Circuit service dates: To be released